Lord, give me a deep heart knowledge of your mercy and confidence in your unconditional love.

Option 1:
Reflection: When introducing the First Week, a tip in footnote #2 suggested that looking at sin might trigger certain reactions. Have any of those issues come up for you? How do your responses shed light on your current image of God? Talk with God about these questions. Also view the chart “Legalism, Licentiousness, or Christianity?”  (also in Word doc) Where do you see yourself? Talk with God about your reflections.

Option 2:
Scripture: Luke 15:11-32
Reflection:Reconciliation” sculpture by Margaret Adams Parker. If you didn’t know the biblical story, who might be mistaken as representing God in this sculpture? How might this sculpture helpfully shape your image of God’s response to sin?
Close with Anima Christi

Option 3:
Scripture: Repeat Luke 18:9-14
Pray with the Triple Colloquies (see #5 of Praying During the Spiritual Exercises)
Song:Wonderful, Merciful Savior

Option 4:
Scripture: Luke 6:35-36; Titus 3:3-8
Activity: We come to understand God’s mercy better by giving and receiving it from one another. Engage in an act of mercy this week. Think of someone you know who has recently made a mistake that troubles you or has done something to offend you. Spend time praying for this person.  Ask God to give you concrete ideas of how to show mercy to this person.

Option 5:
Scripture: Luke 7:36-50
Reflection: Enter the scene with your senses. How does Jesus respond to the woman in this passage? How does knowing God’s mercy change you?

Option 6:
Repeat any of the days this week.

Reviewing the Week:
Look back on the past week. What stands out to you the most as you have prayed and reflected on the reality of sin and God’s merciful response? Talk with God about your reflections.