O God, increase my hunger to follow Christ wholeheartedly and set me free from all that hinders.

Option 1:
Scripture: Philippians 3:1-14
Reflection: As you anticipate God’s merciful Advent (arrival), identify any remaining obstacles to following God wholeheartedly. Are there ways you are still holding back? What is your level of inner freedom? Talk with God about this.
Activity: How might you express or enact in a physical way your longing for freedom? Be creative as the Spirit leads.

Option 2:
Scripture: Repeat Philippians 3:1-14

Option 3:
Reflection: “Making Sense of Inner Spiritual Movements”[1]
Scripture: If you haven’t prayed with the Examen for awhile, renew that practice today, paying attention to those inner movements.

Option 4:
Scripture: Galatians 5:13-26
Reflection: Becoming free requires discernment. Pray the Examen with the purpose of growing in the ability to perceive on a daily basis the things that are of the Spirit and the things that are not.
Song:Come Thou Long Expected Jesus” (see also lyrics here)

Option 5:
Scripture: 1 John 4:1-6; Ephesians 2:1-2 and 6:10-18
Pray with the Examen

Option 6:
Scripture: Repeat Galatians 5:13-26
Pray the Examen
Close with “Prayer by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.”

Reviewing the Week:
Look back on the past week. What stands out to you the most as you have prayed and reflected on hungering to follow Christ and turning away from all that entangles? Talk with God about your reflections.


[1] Chapter 5 in the book J. Michael Sparough, et. al, What’s Your Decision? How to Make Choices with Confidence and Clarity: An Ignatian Approach to Decision Making (Chicago: Loyola Press, 2010).