Lord, fill me with a longing to see myself and the world transformed. Have mercy and intervene amid our weaknesses.

Option 1:
Reading:O Come O Come Emmanuel
Reflection: Sometimes we have heard Advent songs so often we no longer truly hear the words.[1] Meditate on this song in light of the past several weeks. What words, phrases, or images stand out to you the most? Why might that be? Talk with God about your reflections. Close by singing the song as your prayer.

Option 2:
Reflection: What redemption are you longing for in your own life? What redemption do you desire to see in your community? How is your heart doing in the waiting for it? Consider the excerpt from Henri Nouwen, “Waiting with Patience.” Talk with God about your reflections.

Option 3:
Scripture: Isaiah 61; Luke 4:14-28
Reflection: How do these Scriptures reveal God’s mercy in history and now? Enter the scene. Imagine being in the audience hearing the prophet Isaiah or Jesus read these words aloud. How do you respond?

Option 4:
Reading:Come Lord and Tarry Not.
Reflection: Ponder this Advent song. What words, phrases, or images stand out to you the most?

Option 5:
Repeat one of the previous days this week.

Option 6:
Reflection: Sometimes when we are waiting for God’s intervention, we can begin to doubt God’s power or willingness to show up. When the Israelites felt this way, they recalled God’s past actions. Return to your Spiritual Timeline from Week 2 (“God Created You & Loves You“). Spend some time meditating on where you have seen God act in your life in the past. Even consider how God has worked in your heart since you started the Spiritual Exercises.

Reviewing the Week:
Look back on the past week. What stands out to you the most as you have prayed and reflected on longing for transformation and God’s merciful intervention? Talk with God about your reflections. Close with your favorite Advent song.


[1] Note: Advent songs long for and anticipate Christ’s arrival. Christmas songs celebrate the fact that Christ has finally come.