Savior of all, give me an awareness and sensitivity to the magnitude and severity of sin, as well as a heartfelt ability to mourn it.

Option 1:
Preparatory Prayer (see #2 in “Praying During the Spiritual Exercises“; try starting with this throughout the week and on-going)
Scripture: Jude 1:6; 1 Peter 5:8-9
Quote: According to Christian tradition, some angels fell into sin before human beings. Ignatius writes: “When I say: ‘Bring to memory the sin of the angels’, I mean recall how they were created in grace, but not wishing to avail themselves of liberty in order to give reverence and obedience to their Creator and Lord, and falling into pride, they were changed from grace to malice and were cast out of Heaven into Hell.”
Reflection: Contemplate the beginning of time when sin preceded even humankind, and how this cosmic dimension of evil power still exists.

Option 2:
Scripture: Genesis 2-3
Reflection: Consider how sin has been present among the human race long before you were born. Visualize the events in Genesis 2-3 (see #4 in “Praying During the Spiritual Exercises” for more on reading and praying Scripture with the senses).

Option 3:
Reflection: Look at recent news headlines. What troubles resulting from sin in the world especially grieve your heart? Consider this in light of what you learned about humankind’s created purpose (during Preparation Days). Spend time praying for the people and specific circumstances that come to your mind..

Option 4:
Reading: Lament: A Response to Sinful Tragedy
Reflection: Spend some time contemplating lament. What practices of lament did you grow up with, if any? Does your Christian or cultural tradition offer any resources of lament? What are the practices of lament might you incorporate into your life in response to sinful tragedy?

Option 5:
Scripture: Psalm 10 and/or Psalm 31
Reflection: Write your own psalm of lament regarding suffering caused by sin that you have witnessed in your community recently.

Option 6:
Scripture: Romans 3:9-20
Reflection: What comes up for you as you read these verses, especially in light of previous days’ reflections? What do you feel? Talk with God about it.

Reviewing the Week:
Look back on the past week. What stands out to you the most as you have prayed and reflected on the real power of sin in the world? Talk with God about your reflections.