Spirit of Life, fill me with gladness and joy to celebrate Jesus the Lord who is alive today and invites me into relationship and collaborative mission.

Option 1:
Reflection:What Did Jesus Do With His Resurrected Self?

Option 2:
Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20
Reflection: Enter the scene with all your senses. Notice the landscape, the people present. Where are you in the story?

Option 3:
Reflection: Think back over the last week or so. Where have you seen resurrection? What life-giving stories have you read? What encounters have you had or observed that were life-infused? Make a list of all you recall and spend some time daydreaming about these. Then, make a conscious decision to look for signs of resurrection in the coming days as a spiritual practice.

Option 4:
Scripture: I Corinthians 15:6-8; Acts 9:1-19
Reflection: Visualize these various encounters. Talk with God about them.

Option 5:
Repetition of any of the days this week.

Option 6:
Reflection: Contemplate the various appearances of Jesus you have looked at these past two weeks. What do you notice about the different ways the resurrected Jesus interacted with people? What kind of person is he?

Reviewing the Week:
Look back on the past week. What stands out to you the most as you have prayed and reflected on encountering the Risen Christ? Talk with God about your reflections.