Spirit of Life, fill me with gladness and joy to celebrate Jesus the Lord who is alive today and invites me into relationship and collaborative mission.
Option 1:
Scripture: Acts 1:1-11
Reflection: What do you notice as you enter the scene? (see also Mark 1:8; John 14:15-17, 25-26; Acts 19:1-7)
Option 2:
Scripture: Acts 2:1-33
Reflection: Walk into this story with your senses. What do you notice? What is God like as shown in the Holy Spirit?
Option 3:
Reflection: Where have you recently seen the Spirit of Christ active today in concrete ways? In what ways do you long for the Spirit to empower you in God’s work?
Option 4:
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-13ff (see also Romans 12:6-8)
Reflection: What spiritual gifts has God given you? How does that relate to your created purpose? Have you considered “eagerly desiring” and asking God for a particular spiritual gift (1 Cor 14:1)?
Option 5:
Ephesians 4:1-16
Reflection: Read this passage on spiritual gifts 2-3 times. What specific words or phrases stand out to you the most? Talk with God about it.
Option 6:
Repetition of any of the days this week. Spend some time in joy and gratitude over God’s good gifts.
Reviewing the Week:
Look back on the past week. What stands out to you the most as you have prayed and reflected on encountering the Holy Spirit’s presence and gifts? Talk with God about your reflections. Close with “Come Down, O Love Divine”