O God, help me to know and understand your good and kind character.

Option 1:
Reading:What is Your Image of God?
Reflection: What kind of images of God do you have? Where do these images come from? Draw each image. Ask God to help you to discern which images are true and which are false.

Option 2:
Continue to reflect on your images of God.

Option 3:
Scripture: Psalm 104
Reflection: Spend time noticing the vivid imagery. What kind of God do you see in this psalm?
Song: This is My Father’s World (music); see lyrics here.

Option 4:
Scripture: 1 John 4:7-20
Reflection: What is God’s relationship with us? What do these verses suggest about what God’s heart is like?

Option 5:
Activity: Spend some time outdoors in creation, contemplating what God has made. What does the art tell you about the Artist? What emotions and thoughts arise for you? Talk with God about them.
Poem: “Mothering Creator of All”

Option 6:
Scripture: John 1:1-4, 18 and 14:7-11; Colossians 1:15-20
Reflection: Scripture says no one has seen God, but that Jesus “explains” God. What is one positive story or impression of Jesus that comes to mind? Spend some time daydreaming about the scene. How might the person of Jesus inform an accurate image of God for you?[1]

Reviewing the Week:
Look back on the past week. What stands out to you the most as you have prayed and reflected on images of God?
Close with the song “My Redeemer is Faithful and True” by Steven Curtis Chapman or another favorite worship song that reminds you of God’s care for you.

Note: If you have trouble this week processing a positive image of God as a result of suffering in your life or the world, see “Who Is God in a World of Suffering?


[1] During the Spiritual Exercises we will spend a lot of time getting to know Jesus. As we do, keep in mind how Jesus shows us what God is truly like.