Lord, I ask for discernment to recognize the evil spirit’s deception and guard against it. Please enlighten my heart and mind to the true life revealed by Jesus and the grace to imitate him.

Option 1:
Scripture: I John 4:1-4
Reflection: Revisit scene 2 in the “Meditation on the Two Standards”. Spend some time reflecting on the reality that greater is the One who is in you than the one who is in the world.

Option 2:
Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Reflection: Enter the scene with all your senses. What do you notice about the way Jesus responds to the evil spirit? What aspects might you imitate this week for confronting your own spiritual battles?

Option 3:
Activity: Meet with (or phone) someone today, a friend or pastor, and risk sharing vulnerably about spiritual struggles you experience in your life. Honesty frees us from the evil spirit’s power.

 Option 4:
Scripture: Mark 1:16-20
Reflection: Drink in this scene. Then set the text aside and draw a picture of what you visualize in your mind. Don’t worry about making it perfect. It can be life-like or symbolic. Draw what comes to the surface for you. Where are you in the picture?

Option 5:
Read and reflect on “Ignatius’s Rules for Discernment of Spirits”[1]

Option 6:
Scripture: Reflect again on Mark 1:16-20

Reviewing the Week:
Look back on the past week. What stands out to you the most as you have prayed and reflected on the Two Standards and Christ’s work? Talk with God about your reflections.


[1] Chapter 6 in What is Your Decision?