O God, give me inner knowledge of you who became human for me so that I might better love and follow you.

Option 1:
Scripture: Mark 3.
Reflection: Place yourself in the scene. Act it out. Either by yourself or with someone else. Who does Jesus choose for his inner circle of disciples? How come? What does he expect of them?

Option 2:
Scripture: John 4:1-38
Reflection: Enter the scene. Continue to contemplate what kind of person Jesus is and what it means to associate with him as friend and disciple. Who do you tend to view as a Samaritan in your community? In what ways are you prepared to imitate Jesus? In what ways do you hold back?

Option 3:
Reflection: As you have been getting to know Jesus, where do you recognize him in daily life? Pray with the Examen as a way of noticing the Spirit of Christ in the here and now.

Option 4:
Activity: Contemplate what you have observed about Jesus so far. Find something to imitate that you have seen and act on it today. Embodying what Jesus does can help us to know him better.

Option 5:
Scripture: Mark 10.
Reflection: Of these various scenes, what one stands out the most? Act it out either by yourself or with someone else. Where are you in it?

Option 6:
Art Reflection: “Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem” (Mark 11) by He Qi.

Reviewing the Day:
Look back on the past week. What stands out to you the most as you have sought to know the person of Jesus better? Talk with God about your reflections.