O God, give me inner knowledge of you who became human for me so that I might better love and follow you.

Option 1:
Scripture: John 11:1-46
Reflection: Enter the scene. Consider how Jesus is both human and divine. In what ways does Jesus’s humanity show up? Where do you see his divinity?

 Option 2:
Scripture: John 8:1-11
Reflection: Continue to ponder Jesus’s humanity and divinity.

Option 3:
Reflection: Spend some time praying and contemplating what you have come to know about Jesus these last few weeks. How does the Incarnation help you to see what it means for you to be fully human? How does Jesus’s humanity offer an accessible example for you to follow?

Option 4:
Scripture: John 5:16-23
Reflection: In what ways does Jesus depend on the Father? How might this be an encouragement when you feel inadequate for God’s work?

Option 5:
Art Reflection:The Calling of St. Matthew” by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (Matthew 9:9-13; see also Zacchaeus; Luke 19:1-10).

Option 6:
Scripture: Repetition of any of the days from this week.

Review the Week:
Look back on the past week. What stands out to you the most as you have sought to know the person of Jesus better? Talk with God about your reflections.
Song:Come to Jesus